Il nuovo basso elettrico custom di VBG
Dopo 4 mesi e confronti con valorosi collaboratori, importanti per il perseguimento dell'idea iniziale, siamo orgogliosi di aver dato vita al B1. Si tratta di un basso elettrico dalle qualità elevate, sia per le componenti tonali e timbriche, sia per la stabilità e precisione meccanica.
E' accorso alla prova finale (dopo aver testato anche le precedenti versioni beta) il rigoroso Giuseppe Cantelmo [guitar player, bass player, artist - Italy, England, Brazil], che ci riporta quanto segue:

"The new VBG Audio Labs Bass, the B1, really has a lot of qualities. I checked it carefully with a Fender Jazz, for industry standard comparison, both through a Trace Elliot or an Ampeg amp.
Handling and design: neck and body are tight, chunky and solid, just like its more famous cousin but, for a 'precision' inspired model this is way much faster and light. I played it almost at thighs level and i didn't have any problem going up and down playing with fingers, slap and pick.
Sound: There are no doubts that the total absence of paint makes the sound more free and the sustain longer and stabler. The real strength point of this bass is the middle range. Clean and bright by default, they allow the bass to have a sound that is always rich even with the more drastic equalization. The presence of such a strong middle curve allows the low and the high ends to work well and push through without creating any gaps, or voids, never; this, for a bass, is a very important quality, specially for those players who don't limit themselves to maintain and reinforce the rhythm.
On the Trace Elliot this instrument really shines at its best. I can't wait for a chance to use it in some gig or session.
Well done Marco and / VBG :-)"

Lo strumento è rigorosamente NON in vendita, ma restiamo a tua disposizione per confrontare i risultati con quelli di bassi industriali di fascia alta. Contattaci pure per un appuntamento.
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